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Time to Decimal

Transform time from HH:MM:SS format into decimal hours, minutes, and seconds with the given tool.

Your Time

Want to determine an hourly salary or the total time spent on a project? The time to decimal calculator can help. With this tool, you can convert hours and minutes to decimal format for accurate payroll, precise billing, and streamlining project management.

How To Convert Time To Decimal?

To convert time to decimal, divide the minutes by 60. For instance, if you have 30 minutes, then divide 30 by 60. By doing so you will get 30/60 = 0.5 

Rond the resultant to two decimal places. For example, if we divide 25 minutes by 60, we get 0.4166666667. After rounding it becomes 0.42 because the repeating number is greater than 5.

Add the decimal form of the minutes to the hours. For example, if you have to convert 2 hours and 30 minutes in decimal hours then add the decimal form of the minutes in 2 hours. By doing so: 2+0.5 = 2.5 hours.

Convert Time To Just Minutes:

If you have to convert 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 45 seconds to just minutes, then for hours to decimal conversion, multiply 2 hours by 60, 2 x 60 = 120 minutes.

Keep 30 minutes as it is.

Divide the 45 seconds by 60 to change it into minutes. 

45 / 60 = 0.75 minutes

Now add all the minutes as we have down below to get the total minutes:

120 minutes + 30 minutes + .75 minutes 

Convert Time To Just Seconds:

Let's continue with the previous example for a better understanding, if you have to convert 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 45 seconds to just seconds, then multiply the number of hours by 3600 to convert hours to decimal as below:

2 x 3600 = 7200 seconds

Now you currently have 30 minutes and the question is how to convert minutes to decimals, For converting minutes to decimals, multiply the 30 minutes by 60.

30 x 60 = 1800 seocnds.

Keep 45 seconds as it is and add all the seconds.

7200 seconds + 30 minutes + .75 minutes 

Instead of wasting your time on manual calculations, simply use this time to decimal calculator. Experience the ease of swift and precise calculations.

Minute To Decimal Conversion Chart:

Below we have provided time to decimal chart to simplify time decimal conversions. Using the following chart, you can perform the precise minutes to decimal conversion. 

Minutes Decimal Hours Min. Dec. Hours Min. Dec. Hours
1 .02 21 .35 41 .68
2 .03 22 .37 42 .70
3 .05 23 .38 43 .72
4 .07 24 .40 44 .73
5 .08 25 .42 45 .75
6 .10 26 .43 46 .77
7 .12 27 .45 47 .78
8 .13 28 .47 48 .80
9 .15 29 .48 49 .82
10 .17 30 .50 50 .83
11 .18 31 .52 51 .85
12 .20 32 .53 52 .87
13 .22 33 .55 53 .88
14 .23 34 .57 54 .90
15 .25 35 .58 55 .92
16 .27 36 .60 56 .93
17 .28 37 .62 57 .95
18 .30 38 .63 58 .97
19 .32 39 .65 59 .98
20 .33 40 .67 60 1.0



What Are The Benefits of Using Decimal Hours Instead of Hours And Minutes?

  • Time in decimals makes the calculations for payroll, billing, and project management more straightforward 
  • Helpful in tracking the time accurately
  • Enhances efficiency, and accuracy in time-related tasks

What Is 1 Hour And 30 Minutes Converted Into Decimal Hours?

Divide the 30 minutes by 60 and add them into 1 hour as below:

1 hour 30 minutes = 1 + 30/60 hour = 1+ 0.5 hour = 1.5 hour.