Time Calculator



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Time Duration Calculator

Enter two times to calculate the exact difference between them. The tool also serves the purpose of calculating the duration between two dates.

Time Duration

Time b/w Two Days


Start Time:

Start Time:



End Time:

End Time:


Start Time:


Start Time:



End Time:


End Time:



Our time duration calculator calculates how much time has passed between two moments. This calculator removes all errors to give you accurate results to help you manage your elapsed time. The calculated duration is in years, months, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Furthermore, the time difference calculator offers you two distinct versions that include:

  • Calculating the difference between two times, or
  • The full version aids in calculating the elapsed time between two dates

Make your time duration calculations parallel to hitting a stopwatch! The tool functions with both ‘Ante Meridiem’ & ‘Post Meridiem’ clock times formats.

Why Choose This Time Duration Calculator?

  • Versatile: The tool adapts to your needs of calculating project timelines, planning events, or tracking personal milestones.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Get the duration in terms of various scales including Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.
  • Efficiency: Save your time surfing manual duration calculations with this calculator.
  • Accuracy: Smart algorithms ensure 100% perfect durations for hours and minutes between two times.

Directions to Use the Calculator:

To get duration between times,

  • Enter ‘Start Time’ & ‘End Time
  • Remember to select ‘AM’ or ‘PM
  • Click ‘Calculate’ & get the duration in hours, minutes, and seconds

To get elapsed time subjected to dates,

  • Enter the Start Date & End Date (or select from the calendar given)
  • Enter ‘Start Time’ & ‘End Time
  • Get time span in terms of days, hours, minutes, and seconds

How to Calculate Duration Between Two Times?

It might be confusing to calculate time duration if the number of minutes and seconds show negative differences during the calculations. However, the following points will help you figure out the exact duration:

Convert Times to a Common Format:

  • Make sure both ‘Start’ & ‘End’ times are in the same chronological order (24-hour Format).
  • If not, then remember that AM hours have the same value in both 12-hour & 24-hour time.
  • For PM hours, simply add 12 to the time and convert it to 24-hour format.

Calculate Time Difference Between Hours & Minutes:

  • If the end time has larger minutes, then subtract the start time from it just like the ordinary subtraction
  • If the start time has larger minutes, it means that the end time is on the next day.
  • Here, you need to carry an hour from the difference and add 60 minutes to the end time (60 Minutes = 1 Hour)

Rearrange the Format of Duration:

Rewrite the calculated time difference calculation in proper format i.e.; In days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Calculating Time Duration - Example

Let's say you want to calculate the duration between 11:30 AM and 9:22 PM.

Step # 01: Conversion

11:21 AM = 11:21

9:22 PM = 21:22

Step # 02: Perform Time Difference Calculations

Hours between Two Times: 21-11 = 10 hours

Minutes: 22-21 = 1 minute

Step # 03: Overflow Handling

As the End Time has larger minutes, there will be no overflow.

Step # 04: Result Formatting

The time duration is 10 hours and 1 minute.

The manual calculations can be time-consuming, but our time duration calculator beats the situation by giving you durations within seconds. The tool integrates the given times in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds to accurately calculate the difference between them.

People Also Ask:

How Many Minutes Are In a Week, Month, and Year?

  • 1 Week = 10,080 minutes
  • 1 Month = 43,200 minutes
  • 1 Year = 5,25,600 minutes

How Do I Write Time Duration?

The standard way of writing the elapsed time duration between two moments is as follows:

“00:00:00”, which represents time in the order “Hours:Minutes:Seconds”

How Do I Handle Time Duration Across Different Time Zones?

  • Consider only one time zone
  • For perfect calculations, use the free time in between calculator