Time Calculator



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Reading time Calculator

Enter the required values to estimate how long it takes for you to read a book.

How much time will it take to read
How many days will it take

Do you want to know “How long will it take to read a 100-page book”? Or do you just want to calculate the reading time against your speed of reading? The reading time calculator does exactly the same. It helps you to find:

  • Length of time it will take for you to complete a book based on your reading speed and book length
  • How long it will take to finish a book at the weekend if you read set pages a day

How to Calculate Reading Time?

  1. Find out the total words in the book/article
  2. Divide it by the number of words the average adult reads in a given minute


Reading Time = Total Words/Average Reading Pace


If a text has 1000 words and you read at 250 words per minute, the reading time would be:

Reading Time = 1000 / 250 = 4 minutes

Average Reading Time (Based on Wordcount)


Words Time
100 26 secs
200 51 secs
250 1 min 4 secs
300 1 min 16 secs
500 2 mins 7 secs
750 3 mins 10 secs
1000 4 mins 13 secs
1500 6 mins 18 secs
2000 8 mins 25 secs
3000 12 mins 36 secs
5000 21 mins 1 sec
10000 42 mins 1 sec
50000 3 hrs 30 mins

Average Reading Time (Based on Pagecount)


Words Time
1 page 2 min 7 secs
10 pages 21 min 1 sec
20 pages 42 min 1 sec
30 pages 1 hr 3 mins
40 pages 1 hr 24 mins
50 pages 1 hr 45 mins
100 pages 3 hrs 30 min
200 pages 7 hrs
300 pages 10 hrs 30 mins
400 pages 14 hrs
500 pages 17 hrs 30 mins
800 pages 28 hrs
1000 pages 35 hrs