Time Calculator



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Military Time Calculator

Select and enter the time to convert between standard and military time.

Military Time To Regular

Regular Time To Military

Start Time:



The calculator above helps you to convert:

  • Regular time to military time
  • Military time back to regular time

What Is Military Time?

It is a timekeeping system that considers a 24-hour cycle instead of the 12-hour cycle. Each hour is numbered consecutively from 00 to 23. This system is widely used in the military, aviation, and many other fields where precision and clarity are necessary.

How to Convert Regular Time to Military Time?

  1. If the regular time is before 12 PM (in AM), simply remove the AM
  2. In case the number representing hours is a single digit, convert it to a two-digit number by adding a zero on left side
  3. If the time is after AM (in PM), then add 12 to the hours section


9 AM

  • Hours Section: 9 in regular time is ‘09’ in military time
  • Minutes Section: As it is exactly 9 AM, so minutes section will be ‘00’
  • The military time is then 0900

3:34 PM

    • Hours Section: As the given time is after PM, we will add 12 to it (3+12 = 15)
  • Minutes Section: We already have two digits in the minutes section, so they will remain as it is
  • The military time is then 1534

How To Convert Military Time To Regular Time?

  1. If the military time is less than or equal to 12:00, add AM
  2. But if it is greater than 12:00, subtract 12 from the hours section



  • As 17 is greater than 12, subtract 12 from it (17 - 12 = 5)
  • The minute's section will remain as it is
  • The new regular time will be 5:19 PM


  • As the number representing hours is less than 12, we will consider writing it as it is
  • The minutes section will also not change
  • The new converted regular time is 7:12 AM

Manual conversions can sometimes be prone to errors. This is why, the military time calculator helps you perform to and fro conversion between regular and military time with accuracy ensured.

Regular Time to Military Time Conversion Chart:

12-Hour Clock 24-Hour Military Time How To Say Military Time?
12 midnight 0000 Zero hundred (hours)
1 AM 0100 Zero one hundred (hours)
2 AM 0200 Zero two hundred (hours)
3 AM 0300 Zero three hundred (hours)
4 AM 0400 Zero four hundred (hours)
5 AM 0500 Zero five hundred (hours)
6 AM 0600 Zero six hundred (hours)
7 AM 0700 Zero seven hundred (hours)
8 AM 0800 Zero eight hundred (hours)
9 AM 0900 Zero nine hundred (hours)
10 AM 1000 Ten hundred (hours)
11 AM 1100 Eleven hundred (hours)
12 noon 1200 Twelve hundred (hours)
1 PM 1300 Thirteen hundred (hours)
2 PM 1400 Fourteen hundred (hours)
3 PM 1500 Fifteen hundred (hours)
4 PM 1600 Sixteen hundred (hours)
5 PM 1700 Seventeen hundred (hours)
6 PM 1800 Eighteen hundred (hours)
7 PM 1900 Nineteen hundred (hours)
8 PM 2000 Twenty hundred (hours)
9 PM 2100 Twenty-one hundred (hours)
10 PM 2200 Twenty-two hundred (hours)
11 PM 2300 Twenty-three hundred (hours)