Enter the Start & End Times to calculate the hours between them.
The calculator helps to calculate the number of hours between two times i.e., Starting & Ending Time. In addition, the tool also calculates time duration in minutes. This way, it can be used in different scenarios, including employee payroll, freelance work, and project management.
Users can use this tool to know:
Users can use this hour calculator very easily:
1️⃣ Enter Start & End Times in respective fields
2️⃣ If you want to add any break, you can click “Add Break” to enter its duration
3️⃣ Once done, click “Calculate”
✅ Standard Time
✅ Hours between the entered
✅ Conversion of hours in minutes
If you want to calculate the hours between current time and future events, then we have another hours from now calculator for this purpose.
An hour is the most common time unit people use to read the time. There are two formats of reading clock time, which include:
This time format includes numbers from 1 to 11 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). It either includes AM or PM, which are phases consisting of 12 hours each. Ante Meridiem (AM) stands for the morning time hours, while Post Meridiem (PM) represents the time after noon. Most often, the terms “12 Midnight” & “12 Noon” are used to remember these times.
This concept was introduced in the 2nd Millennium BC and became famous in the 16th century.
In the 24-hour clock, there is no consideration for AM & PM. The day starts at midnight and ends at the next midnight, comprising 24 hours in total. This is indeed the most modern time system that is accepted globally and recognized by ISO 8601 as well.
The step-by-step guide to calculating hours is as follows:
For AM hours, let them as it is
For PM hours, add 12 to the given time
Subtract the start time's hours from the end time's hours
Subtract the start time's minutes from the end time's minutes
If the minutes result is negative, borrow an hour from the hours result and add 60 to the minutes.
The final result is the number of hours and minutes between the two times.
Starting Time: 9:00 AM
Ending Time: 3:30 PM
Step 1:
9:00 AM remains 9:00
3:30 PM becomes 15:30
Step 2:
End Time: 15:30
Start Time: 9:00
Hours: 15 - 9 = 6
Minutes: 30 - 00 = 30
Step 3:
End Time: 10:15
Start Time: 11:45
Hours: 10 - 11 = -1
Minutes: 15 - 45 = -30
Borrow an hour: Hours = -1 + 1 = 0
Add 60 minutes: Minutes = -30 + 60 = 30
Step 4:
Hours: 6
Minutes: 30
Final Result: 6 hours and 30 minutes
Duration | Hours |
Day | 24 |
Week | 168 |
Month | 672 (28 days) 696 (29 days) 720 (30 days) 744 (31 days) 730.5 (average) |
Year | 8,760 (365 days) 8,784 (366 days) 8,766 (average) |
Decade | 87,648 (2 leap years) 87,672 (3 leap years) 87,660 (average) |
Century | 876,600 |