Time Calculator



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Date Calculator

Add/Subtract days, weeks, months, and years from a reference date with the calculator below.

Include the time


The date calculator helps to calculate future/past dates and time based on a given start date and time. It offers flexibility in the time units used, including years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Additionally, the calculator provides options to include or exclude the time and repeat the calculation.

How To Add or Subtract Days to a Date?

Methods to add/subtract days from a date include:

Manual Method:

To manually add/subtract days to a reference date, you need to understand the standard calendar system i.e., the Gregorian Calendar. This calendar has a total of 365.25 days in a regular year and 366 days in every leap year.

Considering it, the steps to add/subtract days are as follows:

  1. Identify the Start Date: Note down the day, month, and year of the starting date
  2. Determine Days to Add/Subtract: Find out the accurate number of days that you have to add or subtract
  3. Add or Subtract Days (Within the Month): Initiate by adding or subtracting days within the current month. If the calcuulated value exceeds the maximum number of days in a month, switch the remaining days to the next month.
  4. Adjust for Month Changes: Adjust for the next month based on the number of days exceeded.


Suppose you want to add 20 days to April 20, 2024.

  • Starting Date: April 20, 2024
  • Days to Add: 20


Step # 01: Add Within the Month

There are a total of 30 days in April and we have to add 20 days to the given date (April 20, 2024).

Step # 02: Adjust For Month Change

As by adding 20 days to the given date, the days exceed the maximum number of days in April, so we will switch the remaining days to the next month. Such that:

Days = April 20, 2024 + 20 days

10 days will be added to complete April days. While the remaining 10 days will be added in May 2024 to reach May 10, 2024.

Step # 03: Final Date

After adding 20 days, the final date will be May 10, 2024.

Using Date Calculator:

Steps to use the above calculator:

  1. Enter the start date to which you want to add years, months, weeks, or days. 
  2. Enter the starting time
  3. Enter the years, months, weeks, or days that you want to add or subtract
  4. Select the operation i.e., ‘+’ or ’-
  5. Click Calculate

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How Do I Know If It Is A Leap Year?

For a year to be a leap, it must be divisible by 4 except for the century year, which must be divisible by 400.

Can This Date Calculator Determine The Future Date of a Recurring Event?

Yes, it can determine the future dates of recurring events. Inputting the initial date into the calculator and adding the “N” number of days remaining in the event will provide you with the exact date of the event.